Wooden Bathroom rack

Hang the doorbell on your store door, even if you are very busy at the moment, when the crisp bell rings, you can immediately give a warm greeting to the guests~ so that you will not lose any customers, and you can also let customers pass through. Good first impression remember your store name 

Additional information


Black walnut


13*10*6.5*6.5*20cm (small), 23*10*6.5*6.5*30cm(大)



Decoration Style

Various decoration styles



Product Details

Black walnut with brass visually bring a sense of light luxury, this is one of our customers to customize and mass production, at present this style in a continuous cycle of orders, sales are considerable.

Product Features

1、Wood species can be selected according to your purchase budget: acacia, black walnut, ash, beech, etc.

2、You can engrave your corporate logo on wood to expand brand influence.

3、Multiple production lines for simultaneous processing and manufacturing to improve production efficiency and shorten delivery lead time.

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